Soie soyeuse (Silky Silk/Be Silky!) was extended voice, visual, tactile journey for the intimately sized audience, where wind, water, grime and guts all coexist. By turns angelic and desperate, shrill and low, dramatic and comical, this 20 minute performance takes the audience into a world of silk, of growing and maturing, of emergence, of struggle and of pleasure and release. A meditation on skin and membrane, Soie soyeuse took audience through the sensuality and struggle of silkiness. It was performed at Galerie Talmart, Paris for 3 days consecutively, all day every day, in 2007 and 2008; Giving Voice 8, Aberystwyth, Wales; and MIX 2008 Queer Experimental Film Festival as an exclusive live event, New York City over two days.

Visual collaboration with the devising and costume by Spyros Koskinas. The 2008 version was accompanied by an installation of hand dyed silk by Caroline Mercier, at Galerie Talmart, Paris. Soie soyeuse was also re-imagined as a textile and photographic artist’s book & recording, published by Editions Talmart in 2008.

Soie soyeuse was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom, the University of Winchester and a range of other supporters.


B(earth) 2007-9 (with Ludivine Allegue)


Bio, before 2006